Books & Volumes

Summaries, excerpts, and links to my books and edited volumes follow.
Image of book cover for 'Cases and Materials on U.S. Antitrust in Global Context'

Antitrust Casebook

Along with my coauthors, Eleanor Fox and Daniel Crane, I am pleased to offer Cases and Materials on U.S. Antitrust in Global Context, available at West Academic, Amazon, and other retailers. This comprehensive casebook combines economics, history, and contemporary antitrust problems in the United States and around the world, providing a rich analysis of political economy, global perspectives, and emerging issues involving big data, algorithmic collusion, labor markets, and merger analysis. The volume excerpts landmark U.S. antitrust cases and highlights debates about the goals of antitrust, the effects of new technologies, and the convergence and divergence of competition law in different nations. With a clear presentation of analytical tools and assumptions that shape outcomes, this casebook is ideal for 3 or 4-credit courses and as a desk book, offering probing questions to explore the line between healthy competition and abuse of power.

Other Books

Image of book cover for 'The 2023 Merger Guidelines Review: A Review'

In the spring of 2024, I served as editor for a volume of commentaries analyzing the recently released 2023 U.S. Merger Guidelines. Published by Concurrences and CCIA, the volume features diverse perspectives from leading experts in antitrust law and economics. My own commentary is available on this website. Complete access to other chapters and a hardcover copy of the volume can be purchased through Concurrences's website.